To add additional buttons, you need to make changes in your theme files as well as App's settings.
Theme Changes:
1. Create a new snippet in your theme and name it 'additional_checkout_buttons.liquid'
2. Copy and paste following code into newly created file and save:
<script type="text/template" id="additional-checkout-buttons"> {% if additional_checkout_buttons %} <div class="additional-checkout-buttons"> {{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }} </div> {% endif %} </script> <script> window.addEventListener( 'Sellify::UCD::CartBuilt', function( e ){ if( document.getElementById( 'ucd-additional-checkout-buttons' ) && document.getElementById( 'additional-checkout-buttons' ) ) { document.getElementById( 'ucd-additional-checkout-buttons' ).innerHTML = document.getElementById( 'additional-checkout-buttons' ).innerHTML; if( window.Shopify && Shopify.StorefrontExpressButtons ) { Shopify.StorefrontExpressButtons.initialize(); } } } ); </script> <style> #ucd-additional-checkout-buttons {padding:0 20px 20px;} #ucd-additional-checkout-buttons .additional-checkout-button {display:block;width:100% !important;} #ucd-additional-checkout-buttons .additional-checkout-button + .additional-checkout-button{ margin-top: 10px !important; } </style>
3. Add following code in your theme.liquid file just before </body> tag:
{% include 'additional_checkout_buttons' %}
App settings changes:
1. Edit Cart Template on settings page (It's located under 'Advanced Settings -> Templates -> Cart') and add following code before checkout button:
<div id="ucd-additional-checkout-buttons"></div>
2. If Amazon pay button doesn't work, add this code as well in Custom JS:
$(document).on('click', '.additional-checkout-button--amazon', function(){ var t; return (t = document.createElement("input")).type = "hidden", = "goto_amazon_payments", t.value = "amazon_payments", document.getElementById('ucd-checkout-form').appendChild(t), t.form.submit() });
If you have done everything right and additional checkout buttons are enabled, they should be visible inside the drawer. Contact us if you need any help.